After quite a LONG hiatus, this is the thirty-seventh installment in my sorta weekly series, called the Friday Five. In this series, I’ll tell you about five random things that I love, whether they be books, travel, music, movies…or whatever. So without further ado, 5-24-2019’s Friday Five!
1–Barrel Clouds. I really, really loved watching this time-lapse of some barrel clouds in Otoe County, Nebraska. It is visually striking, and I’ve watched it I don’t even know how many times.
2–Peloton. I still love my Peloton, y’all. It’s just amazing. Here’s a vlog from Jesse Palmer about taking his first cycling class with Robin Arzon and interviewing the Queen herself. Such a great video! And if you’re interested in purchasing the bike or the tread, use my referral code (WH9XBC) and we both get $100 credit in the boutique.
3–Shoes on the Danube Promenade. Talk about a lump in your throat. This photo, and this installation make real the human cost of genocide.
4–The Classics. I love reading classic literature. It’s a nice break from new books. Modern Mrs. Darcy has a great list of 25 must-reads. And many of these are more accessible than you might think!
5–This Is Me. I still love The Greatest Showman. And the song that makes me choke up every time I hear it is this one. Here’s a little video from the creators about it.