Beneath a Scarlet Sky by Mark Sullivan

Book Club Questions
Did you read all of the book? Part of it? Or none of it?
What is your initial impression of the book? Did you like it or dislike it? Why?
The book is set during World War II. Is historical fiction a genre you typically read? Why/why not?
Although the book is set during World War II, it is set in Italy, which is different from much other historical fiction. Did that make the book more or less interesting to you? Can you think of other books set in Italy during WWII?
Are there other books that this struck you as similar to? (i.e. All the Light We Cannot See, The Nightingale, etc.) How does this book stack up in comparison to them?
Which character(s) did you find most relatable? Why?
Which character(s) did you find the least relatable? Why?
Pino helps escort a pregnant Jewish woman over the mountain pass. She nearly dies along the way. If you were in her position, would you have made the journey? Could you have? How would you have acted if you were in Pino’s position?
Colonel Rauff helps corral oxen into a pen. He enjoys himself and seems pleasant. Why do you think the author included this passage in the book? Do you think he was evil or good?
Pino is called to Milan by his father and instructed to enlist in the military, rather than waiting to be drafted. If you were in Pino’s position, would you have enlisted with the Germans? Why/why not? Did Pino really have a true choice?
Pino ends up working as a driver for a high-ranking German officer. He has the chance to spy on the officer, but is risking his life to do so. Did he make the right choice? If you were in his position, would you have taken the chance? Knowing that it wouldn’t be a danger only to you, but also to your family, does that change your decision?
Pino’s best friend accuses him of being a traitor, after he finds out that Pino has enlisted. Pino cannot tell him the truth about his spying. Would you be able to stay quiet?
Pino tells Anna the truth about his mission after she catches him searching through Leyers’ belongings, and then they kiss. What was your initial reaction to the scene? Was it believable to you? Did you expect it to go this way? Did you trust Anna? Why/why not?
After Pino and Leyers are nearly killed by a British plane, Leyers opens up to Pino. Did this change how you perceived Leyers? Do you believe he was good or evil?
Leyers tells Pino about how doing favors helps a person become stronger and more supported. Do you agree with his advice? Why? Are favors about owing someone else or helping?
At the end, Pino has the opportunity to execute Leyers, but does not. Why do you think he didn’t? Would you have?
Have you read other books by this author? Which ones?
Would you read other books by this author? Why/why not?
The book included many scenes of violence (bombings, executions, etc.). Do you think it was excessive or necessary to telling the story? Why?
At the beginning, bombs are dropped on Milan. Mr. Beltramini’s grocery is not hit. He makes a statement about how you cannot worry about bombs, and that you just need to enjoy your life. Do you agree with his advice? Why? How is this advice applicable to us in the current time?
When the Germans surrender, the Italian people turn on each other. We see this in other books about the French people as well. Are their actions justified? Or is their violence just as despicable/condemnable? Even if you don’t agree with it, can you understand it?
What did you think of the length of the book? If too short, what would you add? If too long, what would you cut?
If you were making a movie of this book, who would you cast? The movie rights have been purchased, and Tom Holland is set to play the lead role. Do you like this casting decision?
If you could hear the story from another character’s perspective, who would you choose? Why?