This is the sixteenth installment in my weekly series, called the Friday Five. In this series, I’ll tell you about five random things that I love, whether they be books, travel, music, movies…or whatever. So without further ado, 9-23-2016’s Friday Five!
1–Splitwise. I wish I’d had this app a couple of months ago when I went to Iowa City with some college friends. It would have come in handy, as it enables you to list expenses, and who they’re split between. And it keeps a running tally if you’re sharing expenses over a period of time. So sweet! Thanks to Frugal Travel Guy for this tip!
2–Ladies with cool jobs. I read this article over at Atlas Obscura (I just love their site!), about a woman clock-maker. Apparently this is not only a dying profession, but she’s like the only woman doing it. Fascinating!
3–Bob Dylan. I’m a Dylan fan, and even went to see his show in Lincoln over the summer. But I did not know that he is a welded metal artist in addition to his musical talents. The man never ceases to amaze! You can check out the article here.
4–Google Trips. Another app this week, but I’m excited about this one as well. It links with your Gmail account, so that it shows your upcoming and previous trips, and then also allows you to pull together things that you’d like to do on those trips to create itineraries. This will definitely come in handy for me.
5–A nontraditional student. This article really was inspirational to me. I loved that this woman decided to go to college at age 72 rather than just waste away her retirement years. So awesome! I hope that her fellow students appreciate having such a different perspective in the classroom.