True Notebooks: A Writer’s Year at Juvenile Hall by Mark Salzman

True Notebooks Book Club Questions
Did you read all of the book? Part of it? Or none of it?
What is your initial impression of the book? Did you like it or dislike it? Why?
Had you read anything else by this author previously? How did that affect your reading of this book?
Which of the youth did you like/connect with best? Why?
How did the teens interact during the class? Did it differ from how the interacted outside of class? Why?
What do you think Salzman’s purpose was in writing this book? Did he achieve it?
What aspects of Salzman’s story could you most relate to?
Mark Salzman didn’t think that he was gong to be able to be an effective teacher for the youth? Do you think that he did? What qualities made him effective/ineffective?
How did Salzman build rapport with his class?
Do you think he made a difference with the teens?
Do you think this kind of a program is effective?
What did you think of the attitudes of the other adults that worked at the facility and interacted with the youth? Could you relate to them?
Do you think that the school system, the youths’ families, and the community failed these young men and women? Why/why not? How can things be improved to help them, or others like them?
Have you read any similar books, or books about the same topic? What were they? Did you like them more/less than this one? Why?