This is the sixth installment in my new weekly series, called the Friday Five. In this series, I’ll tell you about five things that I love, whether they be books, travel, music, movies…or whatever. So without further ado, 5-13-2016’s Friday Five!
1–Malcolm Gladwell. Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt interviewed Malcolm Gladwell on the Freakonomics podcast. How cool is that! Such a great group of smart guys talking about really interesting stuff, including Anders Ericsson and why Gladwell says “Books are a pain in the ass.” I’ve read and reviewed several of Gladwell’s books here on the blog, and have also read Freakonomics and Superfreakonomics (although that was before I started blogging). Love their stuff. Check out the podcast here!
2–Bob Dylan. Guys, I bought Bob Dylan tickets! I’m so, so excited. He’ll be playing in Lincoln at the Pinewood Bowl Theatre (which is an insanely cool outdoor venue). I’ve had two opportunities to see him perform and missed out previously, so I’m not going to miss out this time around.
3–Alex in Wanderland. I recently started regularly reading her blog, as she’s also a scuba diver. Great stuff, especially her recent trips to National Parks and renting a Jucy. You can read her blog here.
4–Love Yourself. I hate to admit it, but I kinda love this song by Justin Bieber, since I don’t really care for him. But whatever. It’s awesome. Maybe even cooler is Morgan Freeman doing Love Yourself, spoken word (check it out here).
5–Grit. Sorry about more Freakonomics, but lately I’ve really been loving their blog/podcast even more than usual. This post about getting more grit was also fascinating.