This is the fifteenth installment in my weekly series, called the Friday Five. In this series, I’ll tell you about five random things that I love, whether they be books, travel, music, movies…or whatever. So without further ado, 9-16-2016’s Friday Five!
1–Lipsense. OMG you guys! I have fallen in love with this stuff. I’m not normally one of those ‘Oooh, makeup!’ type of girls. But an attorney that I know sells this stuff, and she was talking about how it stays on all day. I get super tired of having to reapply lipstick or lip gloss every time I head back to court (usually multiple times per day), so I thought I’d give it a shot. And it seriously does last all day. I had to wash it off last night before bed, and I’d applied it at 7:30 a.m. Pretty sweet, I think.
2–Duolingo. I’ve referenced this before on my Friday Fives (back on 5-27-2016), but am listing it again. I’ve continued to use Duolingo for several months, and am making progress. I had a bit of a plateau for awhile, but I’m now up to 20% fluency in French. At this rate, I should be able to meet my goal of 30% fluency by November when we go to Guadeloupe!
3–Hastings Symphony Orchestra. I’m a cellist with the Hastings Symphony. They have a new website, and facebook page. If you’re in the area (or just want to check it out), please do so. It’s a professional sounding group of musicians, especially for no bigger than the town is, and being in a pretty rural area. And I’ve played in several symphonies over the years, so I feel like I have a good sense of how different groups sound.
4–Tom Petty. I watched a fantastic documentary on Tom Petty on Netflix. And I’ve been listening to a lot of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers music on Prime Music. I even listened to a podcast about rock and roll stars put out by Freakonomics. Now I’m listening to the audio book version of Petty: The Biography on Audible, narrated by Warren Zanes (the author, who also runs the Rock and Roll Music Hall of Fame). The book is fantastic. And I’m now scouting to see when the Heartbreakers will next be touring.
5–Tim Gunn. It’s no secret that I’m not a size 2. I’ve talked before on the blog about my struggles with weight and fitness. Consequently, I LOVED this article by Tim Gunn in the Washington Post, and even more the fact that Tim Gunn recognizes all of this. Designers should care more about the significant portion of the population that is classified as “plus size.” Ditto all of what he says. All of it.