This is the thirtieth installment in my weekly series, called the Friday Five. In this series, I’ll tell you about five random things that I love, whether they be books, travel, music, movies…or whatever. So without further ado, 8-25-2017’s Friday Five!
1–Stuff You Missed in History Class–Jane Austen. I really enjoy this podcast, but this episode in particular was a good one. Maybe it’s because I have read pretty much everything Austen has written, but I really liked this episode.
2–Guadeloupe. This article in Scuba Diver magazine takes me back to our wonderful trip to Guadeloupe (which you can read more about here–Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4).
3–Cherry Cheesecake Chocolate Bundt Cake. Oooh! I really, really want to make this.
4–Boston. Our Escape Clause wrote about 39 things to do in Boston. I definitely want to go back, and this will be a great guide when we do. But if you want to see how I spent Twelve Hours in Boston, you can check it out here.
5–New Harry Potter books! Two new books will drop this fall, Harry Potter: A History of Magic – The Book of The Exhibition and Harry Potter – A Journey Through A History of Magic (check out the details here). So excited!!