After quite a LONG hiatus, this is the thirty-sixth installment in my sorta weekly series, called the Friday Five. In this series, I’ll tell you about five random things that I love, whether they be books, travel, music, movies…or whatever. So without further ado, 10-5-2018’s Friday Five!
1–Low Budget Pet Adoption Video. I laughed so hard at this hilarious low-budget pet adoption video. Hope it amuses you too. But seriously you should adopt a pet instead of buying from a breeder. Breeders are not well-regulated in any state, and those dogs sometimes live in despicable conditions.
2–Caring for Cameras in Cold Weather. Unfortunately we’re coming up on fall…and after that winter. I found this article on caring for cameras in cold weather informative. Seriously didn’t know all of those tips.
3–Cello flyer. A cellist was kicked off her flight, even though she followed all the rules for boarding with her instrument (the article). As a cellist, this is irritating. These instruments are extremely valuable, and are very sensitive to changes in temperature, humidity, and pressure. Flight attendants need to be trained to understand the rules regarding instruments.
4–Border Monuments. I’m from South Dakota originally, and found this article about the border monuments fascinating.
5–Skeletons. In other South Dakota news/love, and because it’s now October, I had to share the skeleton man walking the skeleton dinosaur. It’s probably my favorite thing to see whilst driving to or from my hometown.