This is the twenty-ninth installment in my weekly series, called the Friday Five. In this series, I’ll tell you about five random things that I love, whether they be books, travel, music, movies…or whatever. So without further ado, 6-9-2017’s Friday Five!
1–Tom Petty Radio on XM. I enjoyed free XM week while we were traveling to/from Kansas, during an especially busy week of work with a lot of traveling, and over Memorial Day weekend. But I’ve especially been enjoying Tom Petty Radio. Woo hoo! A new way to listen to Petty’s music, as well as the music that he likes to listen to.
2–Captain Don’s Habitat, Bonaire. The Scuba Diver Girls visited the house reef at Captain Don’s Habitat and shot a bit of video while snorkeling. Great video, hope they spent some time diving there as well, as the reef gets even better deeper than what can be experienced snorkeling only. We loved diving there when we visited.
3–Hand of God. Have you heard of this show on Amazon Video? It stars Ron Perlman, and is really good. Throughout Season One, you are constantly wondering whether Perlman’s character is just crazy, or crazy like a fox. If you’re looking for a new show, I’d recommend checking this one out.
4–Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Seeking Librarian. I won’t be applying for this position, as my only qualifications would be a love of rock and roll. But it’s interesting nonetheless. And someplace that I certainly want to visit someday.
5–Photos of Moms before they were Moms. A friend of mine shared this essay on facebook, and I just loved it (as well as the accompanying photos). It’s sometimes tough, but also important to remember that people have unique identities that are separate and also tied into the identities or roles for which we know them.