This is the twenty-ninth installment in my weekly series, called the Friday Five. In this series, I’ll tell you about five random things that I love, whether they be books, travel, music, movies…or whatever. So without further ado, 6-30-2017’s Friday Five!
1–Adam West. In case you didn’t hear, Adam West passed away. I really, really love the 60s Batman show, so I very much appreciated that LA lit the Batsignal in his honor (read more here).
2–Thunderball. Mike and I are going to the Bahamas scuba diving in January. It will be on a liveaboard going to some places where Thunderball was filmed. So Mike just had to purchase Thunderball on Blueray to get us in the spirit.
3–Octobass. Have you ever heard of or seen one of these? They’re pretty incredible, and it’s one of my goals to see one someday.
4–Purple Pie Place. This place is in the Black Hills, and is a necessary stop in the summer. Incredible pies, and all of the other food is pretty delicious too.
5–Kaaboo Del Mar’s Comedy Line Up. Check it out here. Enough said.
I LOVE PIE! If I’m ever that way again, I’m STOPPING! 🙂