This is the sixth installment in my new weekly series, called the Friday Five. In this series, I’ll tell you about five things that I love, whether they be books, travel, music, movies…or whatever. So without further ado, 5-27-2016’s Friday Five!
1–Duolingo. A friend of mine recently mentioned that he was using Duolingo to learn a language and really enjoyed it. Mike and I booked a trip to Guadeloupe, a French island in the Caribbean, so learning a bit of French seems like a good idea. And after a few days, I really like the (free) app. It’s simple, fun and I’m already 2% fluent in French.
2–Flamethrowing Guitar. Have you seen Mad Max Fury Road? If not, you really should! In any event, there is one particular character who plays a flamethrowing guitar on the front of one of the vehicles. It’s pretty crazy, because at the point when you first see this guy and this guitar, you realize that the movie soundtrack you’re hearing is also being heard by all of the characters in the movie. But it turns out that the flamethrowing guitar is REAL!! Check it out here.
3–Tim Ferriss. I read and enjoyed The Four Hour Workweek (check out my post on it here). This Freakonomics podcast (I know, I know, I keep including it, but I really do think it’s awesome) interviewed Tim Ferriss. So interesting.
4–Budapest by George Ezra. Such a great song. I recently downloaded it on Amazon Music and have been listening to it a lot. A great song if you have a bit of wanderlust.
5–The Americans on FX. This show is on Amazon Video. So good!