Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey
Book Club Questions
Did you read all of the book? Part of it? Or none of it?
What is your initial impression of the book? Did you like it or dislike it? Why?
What do you think about how the author handled the male and female characters and treatment of gender roles?
What did you think about F’Lar and Lessa as individual protagonists? Did you relate more to one or the other? Did you like or dislike their interactions? Did your opinions change over the course of the book?
Discuss the author’s treatment of male/female characters and gender roles.
Lessa’s character turns the idea of a damsel in distress on its head. Do you think that she is a likeable character? Does it matter if she is likeable or not?
Compare the styles of leadership demonstrated in the book (i.e. F’Lar, Fax, etc.). What are the key features? Which are more effective? What personality traits make for effective leaders? What is the measure of success as a leader?
How did you feel about the world of Pern? What were your thoughts on the author’s world-building?
Discuss Pern’s dragons. What is their origin story? How do Pern’s dragons differ from dragons in other fantasy works? How are they similar?
What did you think of the length of the book? If too short, what would you add? If too long, what would you cut?
Some readers on Goodreads have indicated their belief that Dragonflight pales in comparison to modern sci-fi/fantasy. What do you think?
What does the book say about the future or evolution of science and technology?
Do you think the book is an optimistic or pessimistic view of the future?
Do you think that this book is/should be considered a classic? Does it deserve to be? Has it aged well?
Have you ready any other books in the series? If yes, what did you think? If not, do you plan to ready any more?