Finding Dorothy by Elizabeth Letts

Book Club Questions
Did you read all of the book? Part of it? Or none of it?
What is your initial impression of the book? Did you like it or dislike it? Why?
Which character(s) did you find most relatable? Why?
Which character(s) did you find the least relatable? Why?
The book begins with Maud as an old lady, but the book then jumps to her as a teenager and follows along with her life. Did you like her? Did she do what you expected her to do as time went along?
Do you think it was hard for elderly Maud to make her voice heard, because she was an older woman? Do you think that women are overlooked or marginalized when they get older? Do you think this has changed from Maud’s time to the present age?
Judy Garland was abused by the studio executives, and suffered from addiction until her death at age 47. Do you think that things have changed for child actors since her time? Do you think that fame makes it more difficult for children to have a normal or happy childhood?
Maud’s mother was a strong-minded and strong-willed woman. Do you think that this made Maud’s life easier or harder? Why?
Were you surprised when Maud left college? What did you think of her decision? How do you think Matilda, Maud’s mother, viewed the decision?
Have you been in a position to choose between love and education/career? What did you choose? Do you think that you made the right decision?
Frank and Maud were opposites in many ways (he was a dreamer, she was pragmatic and sensible). Can you relate to their relationship? How/why? What is it like to be married to someone so different? If their relationship were in the present day, do you think it would be different? Why/why not?
If you could hear the story from another character’s perspective, who would you choose? Why?
Maud’s sister Julia refused to give up her daughter to Frank and Maud, even though they were offering her a better life? If you were in Julia’s shoes, what would you have done? Do you think she made the right decision? What about Frank and Maud–do you think they made the right decision in leaving her there? Should a mother keep her child, even when her circumstances are not good, if a better home is available?
Have you read The Wizard of Oz books by L. Frank Baum? Which one(s)? Which is your favorite? Did you like it/them? Why/why not?
Before reading this fictional novel, how much did you know about L. Frank Baum’s life?
The book reveals the origins of L. Frank Baum’s ideas for The Wizard of Oz. What surprised you about those origin stories? Were there any that you particularly liked or disliked?
Frank and Maud had sons, but not a daughter. Do you think that is why the main character in The Wizard of Oz was made a girl? Who do you think inspired Dorothy?
If you were making a movie of this book, who would you cast?
Have you seen The Wizard of Oz or any of the other Oz related movies? Which is your favorite? Do you like it/them? Why/why not?
Do you have special memories of watching The Wizard of Oz? Did you watch it on TV or in a theatre? Did you first see it as a child or an adult? If as a child, were there scenes that scared you?
Did reading this book make you want to watch the movie again?
Have you read other books by this author? Which ones?
Would you read other books by this author? Why/why not?
What did you think of the length of the book? If too short, what would you add? If too long, what would you cut?
Have you ever had a family member or a friend write a book that included you? If so, what was that experience like for you? If not, how do you think that you would feel about it?