The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
by Marie Kondo

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Book Club Questions
Did you read all of the book? Part of it? Or none of it?
What is your initial impression of the book? Did you like it or dislike it? Why?
Did Marie Kondo seem like an unusual child to you? Why/why not?
Do you think there were cultural differences between Japan and the US that would account for things that struck you as odd in the book?
Kondo defines “tidying” in a precise way. Did her meaning of tidying differ from yours?
Did you tidy up your home as a result of reading this book? Which of her ideas did you find most helpful? Why was the book motivating to you? What were your results?
What did you think about Kondo’s ideas that your belongings should “spark joy” for you to keep them?
Can reducing clutter bring you joy? What about keeping clutter? Why/why not?
Were there any tips that you found to be ridiculous? Which ones? Why?
Did you struggle with the idea of simply throwing things away? Or did you read that as ‘donating’ items? Which is preferable to you?
Is reducing/tidying/paring down difficult for you? Why/why not?
Do you have any ‘guilty admissions’ about things that you keep or things that you get rid of?
Why do American’s have so much stuff? Do you think it relates back to people saving things after the Depression, then more money leading to people buying more?
Do you have family mementos? How do you deal with items from your parents/grandparents/great-grandparents? Will your decendants want these items?
Have you dealt with disposing of and going through the items of a loved one who has passed away? What was this experience like for you? How long did it take you to finish it? Did this affect your decision to hold on to or dispose of items at all?
Do you have more or less stuff than your parents? How do you think that your children will deal with your belongings?
Have any of you downsized and moved into a smaller home? Was it difficult? Why/why not? What was difficult? Is your life different now than before? Would you choose to go back to a larger space? Why/why not?
The book has become a world-wide bestseller. Why do you think this is?
Was this book life-changing for you, ultimately?