This is the twenty-seventh installment in my weekly series, called the Friday Five. In this series, I’ll tell you about five random things that I love, whether they be books, travel, music, movies…or whatever. So without further ado, 5-5-2017’s Friday Five!
1–Harley and the Davidsons. Perhaps because I grew up near Sturgis, SD, home of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, perhaps because I spent 7 summers working for Black Hills Harley Davidson, perhaps because one of my uncles has a motorcycle shop and races Top Fuel Harley Davidson motorcycles…whatever the reason, I really really loved this show. I watched it on Amazon Instant Video, and recommend it 100%.
2–Jaglions. I’ve seen ligers (lion/tiger mix) before, but jaglions (jaguar/lion mix) are a new one for me. I’d love to see them!
3–You Look Like You’re Lying When You’re Nervous. Did you know this? Seth Godin explains why, and how to appear more truthful when you’re just freaking out a bit.
4–Jacques Cousteau. As a regular scuba diver, I was interested in this article about Jacques Cousteau and the origins of his diving career.
5–Christmas at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. OMG! I need to experience this!