This is the twenty-sixth installment in my weekly series, called the Friday Five. In this series, I’ll tell you about five random things that I love, whether they be books, travel, music, movies…or whatever. So without further ado, 4-28-2017’s Friday Five!
1–Hilma Hooker. Mike dove this wreck when we were in Bonaire. It was his favorite of the trip. Reading about the history of the ship here was quite fascinating.
2–Carnegie Libraries. Modern Mrs. Darcy wrote about Carnegie libraries here. There are Carnegie libraries in every place that I’ve ever lived, so I really have a soft spot for them. The architecture is always beautiful, and the whole concept is just amazing.
3–Hotel Alex Johnson. I’m from Rapid City, so this article about the Hotel Alex Johnson jumped out at me. I’ve never stayed at the allegedly haunted hotel, but now I want to!
4–Nuclear meltdown. Nuclear power is endlessly intriguing to me. I recently had the opportunity to tour the local Becton Dickinson manufacturing plant (they make insulin needles) with the Young Professionals group. During the tour, they confirmed for me that the plant has a nuclear reactor, which is used in part to sterilize the product. They didn’t let us see it, but described the room and the pools used to cool the reactor. So when I stumbled across this article about an intentional nuclear power meltdown, I couldn’t help but read it. Check it out if you want to learn more.
5–Earth from Saturn. As regular readers probably know, I’m quite a space/astronomy buff. So the photos of Earth (and the moon) as viewed from the Cassini Orbiter through Saturn’s rings just fascinates me endlessly.