This is the seventeenth installment in my weekly series, called the Friday Five. In this series, I’ll tell you about five random things that I love, whether they be books, travel, music, movies…or whatever. So without further ado, 9-30-2016’s Friday Five!
1–Harry Potter. It’s no secret that I LOVE Harry Potter. So when I stumbled across this video over at Atlas Obscura, I couldn’t resist posting it here. Hope you enjoy it too.
2–Beethoven Jokes. I saw this one on Facebook lately, and could not stop laughing. Mike thought I was nuts, but then he’s not an orchestra dork (orch-dork! Haha!) like me. If you’re a musician you’ll probably enjoy it too. 🙂
3–Travel Blog Success. After reading about this course/site for months on several different blogs, I finally bit the bullet and signed up. So far, I’m impressed. If you’d like to check it out, they’re running a fall sale, so now is a great time.
4–Fall Books. I’ve seen a couple of lists of great books to read this fall. You can find a couple of them here and here if you’re looking for your next book.
5–Caleb Hawley. I was able to go to a Rehmsworld concert this past week where Caleb Hawley and his band played an awesome show! If you’re looking for some new music, I’d recommend that you check out any of his albums (Side 1, Side 2
, or Steps
, or even visit his YouTube channel. He puts out fantastic videos, so subscribing is a great way to hear what he’s been working on. And I’ll be uploading some video to my YouTube channel this weekend that I shot at the concert, in case you want to check that out as well.